Physiological and psychological needs, such as food, shelter, and good mental health, are paramount to student retention and success. These resources are typically available through [...]
The CARES Act allowed student loan repayment to be postponed for 3+ years. Student loan payments will begin for borrowers in October 2023. We [...]
Student retention, defined as first-time, full-time college students returning to the institution for their second year, is associated with greater student persistence and graduation rates. [...]
This webinar provides a comprehensive look at results of the fall 2022 Student Financial Wellness Survey for independent colleges and universities, which includes responses [...]
According to Harvard University, Summer melt is a common problem, especially among low-income students. Many high-school graduates who have been accepted to college and [...]

The cost of transportation can be a barrier for many students, impacting their ability to reliable commute to campus and attend class. The [...]
Results from the fall 2022 Student Financial Wellness Survey in this infographic show that respondents who agree or strongly agree they always pay [...]
This brief focuses on questions in the Student Financial Wellness Survey regarding difficulty concentrating on school and missing classes. Older students, first-generation students, [...]
Recent discussions on enrollment in higher education have centered around the “Enrollment Cliff”. The notion holds that due to changing demographics, colleges and [...]

Sense of belonging can be strengthened by building relationships on a campus through a variety of ways such as friendships, mentorships, and campus [...]