The rising cost of attending college creates a financial challenge for most students, many of whom must take out student loans to pursue their education goals. Whether or not they earn a degree, these students will leave school with the burden of managing student debt. How well they manage this complex process may shape their personal finances for decades to come. The perceptions of college financial aid administrators as they engage with students tackling the debt dilemma are at the heart of this report. Based on a national survey of 916 student aid professionals, this report also examines how schools deliver the required counseling that accompanies federal student loans. Trellis collaborated with the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board of Governors) on the first in-depth survey of financial aid administrators’ experience with student loan counseling.
Jeff Webster, Chris Fernandez, Carla Fletcher, and Kasey Klepfer
Release Date
November 2017
Webster, J., Fernandez, C., Fletcher, C., & Klepfer, K. (2017). Engaging Student Borrowers: Results of a Survey of Financial Aid Professionals. TG Research. Retrieved from: https://www.trelliscompany.org/research/.